
This period reminded me a lot of the Late English Renaissance period because it too contained a bunch of different periods within it. The Early American/ Colional Period, Georgian Period, Post Colonial or Federal Period, Greek Revival Period, and Victorian Period are all apart of this one era. This interests me because when there is a major shift, there are a bunch of different things happening in terms of government, interior design, social classes, and religion.

Favorite Architecture, Furniture, and Interior Design

Gonzalez-Alvarez House
Parlange (Louisiana plantation house) Colonial Period
 The two homes below are my favorite pieces of architecture from this period. The reason that I like them so much is because they are very different, but are from the same period. The Gonzalez-Alvarez house is heavily inspired by Spanish design and the Louisiana plantation house is almost the polar opposite. The Gonzalez-Alvarez house is also quite interesting because it is the oldest home from this period. These homes interest me because they are from the same period but represent entirely different things.

Current Applications

Both of these pictures represent this time period but in two different ways. The picture of a home is a modern influence on the Louisiana Plantation house. The picture of the bedroom represents modern Spanish Mission style. The focal wall incorporates chevron, which was very common in this style. One difference is that in this picture the chevron is on the wall, rather than the beams on the ceiling.

Extra Resources

For more information on Colonial interior design, check out the link below!

Student Responses

I looked at Lindsay and Jessica's blog for this unit.  Lindsay's blog discussed the various styles that were common throughout the American period. I really enjoyed her blog post because she discussed, in depth, the common traits of each of these periods and she also mentioned where (geographically) we can find these styles of homes today. 

Jessica's blog also had excellent examples of the different homes from the American period. She shared pictures and real life examples that were different from those in the Power Point presentation, so I was able to make more connections to the homes and associate each of them with the different traits in today's design style. 

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